There’s undeniable value in generating demand for your company through a B2B video podcast.
But attaining any good outcome takes a strategy to get you there!
Luckily for you, we’ve worked out the kinks so you don’t have to.
In this new episode of B2B Podcasting, host Kap Chatfield outlines seven must-haves you need before you launch your B2B show and begin generating all that demand for your company’s product.
Check out the full episode for a bonus tip on long-term strategy for your B2B podcast demand generation flywheel.
Main Takeaways:
Outlining goals helps you gauge the success of your long-term strategy.
Go beyond identifying your target audience by specifying a buyer persona.
Note the three types of episodes for your show: vision, product and reassurance.
Creating a pilot episode is critical to casting vision for your show.
00:00-07:00 | Clarifying your business goals and identifying your target audience
07:00- 10:46 | The importance of crafting a compelling show premise
10:47-14:50 | Creating a season map and types of episodes
14:51-23:17 | Show branding, creating a pilot episode and having a promotional strategy
“Sometimes the most valuable thing you can do is build brand awareness.” - Kap Chatfield, CEO of Rveal Media
“When you’re crafting your show, get really clear about who the buyer persona is, especially for a B2B show.” - Kap Chatfield, CEO of Rveal Media
“Every business should think of themselves as a media company first—turning your business narrative into a show premise becomes the nucleus for all your content marketing.” - Kap Chatfield, CEO of Rveal Media
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